We will be holding our Autumn Garden Show on Saturday AUTUMN GARDEN SHOW at Hazlemere Community Centre in Rose Avenue.
You can download the show schedule and the entry form from our website. If you have any questions about entries you should contact one of the committee members, who will be happy to assist. We are trying to encourage the younger element so we have a children’s section, where all participants will receive a prize.

There should be something for everyone. It doesn’t cost anything to enter, so, why not have a go? or persuade the grandchildren to enter. All adult Award winners (Excluding RHS medal winners), receive a £5 HGA voucher to spend in the store.
Entry forms need to be submitted between 7.30 and 8.30pm on the Friday evening (9th September) at the Hazlemere Community Centre .Entries are staged on the Saturday morning between 8.00am and 10.00am.
The show is open to the public in the afternoon between 2.00pm and 3.30pm. So if you can't manage an entry please come along to support the show, buy some raffle tickets and and eat some cake ! ADMISSION IS FREE and teas/cakes will be on sale. Prize giving and
raffle draw will take place at 3.30pm.