Although the opening of our Store was delayed until the beginning of March and then only for our “Order and Collection” service and the full opening delayed until 25th July our Members have ensured that we have had a very successful 2021. The development of our new website, containing all of our stock, has been a huge benefit to our members and I thank everyone for the colossal effort involved in setting this up. Introducing our card reader into our store has also proved very helpful to our cashiers and Members.
Despite the coronavirus restrictions we were able to hold our annual plant sale at the end of May and raised £150 in aid of Rennie Grove Hospice Care. We also managed to arrange three very successful coach trips over the summer months.
Although we were unable to hold our Spring Show in 2021 we did hold our Autumn Show and we look forward to seeing you all at both shows in 2022. Full details and entry forms can be found on our website.
At our Social Evening we enjoyed an excellent buffet, followed by a talk on “Crop Circles” by Andy Thomas and I would like to record our thanks to Barbara Pearman and all those involved in making the evening such a success.
May I take this opportunity to thank David Anstee for all his work over the years as our Store Manager and wish him well in his retirement as he has decided not to stand for re-election to our committee.
In conclusion I look forward to seeing all our Members when The Store re-opens on the first Sunday in February 2022.In the meantime if you have any questions please contact the Committee through our HGA email address,
Finally may I take this opportunity to thank all of the Committee for the work they have done over the last year to keep our gardening association running throughout the pandemic.
Jack Schwarz (Chairman)