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Charity Plant Sale

We are holding our annual Charity Plant sale in aid of Rennie Grove Hospice care on Sunday 21st May. It will be held in the Barn store compound during our normal trading hours 10.00am to 12 noon. If you have plants to sell please contact Carole Robinson on 01494 813713 to book a table. You pay 10% commission on your sales which goes to Rennie Grove, you retain the balance.

We are always desperate for plant donations for the HGA table. Perhaps you have grown too many in your garden or on the allotment. We can sell those and all the funds go to the charity. If you have no plants to sell, why not come along and buy some ? you never know what you might find so put the date in your diary, and don't forget to bring some change as the sellers don't have a card facility.


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